Annual Membership Renewal 2018/19
We hope you’ve had full value from your membership this year but it’s that time when we’ve got to start talking about renewal for those who pay annually. This does not impact those who pay monthly via direct debit.
The membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March and so we would encourage you to start logging onto Webcollect before the end of the month to renew. Whilst as ever there are cost pressures the membership fee for 2018-2019 has been fixed at the same price as last year, £170 if you sign-up before the end of March. This is an early bird discount and the price will rise after this to £190.
As you’ve seen lately there are a number of initiatives underway already and more fun to come. The race season will soon be on us and Debs is busy sorting out our social lives.
Just one final point and it’s a sobering thought. No membership. No access to training.