SH2OUT Accreditation

SH2OUT Accreditation

We’re extremely proud to be the first club in the South East region to achieve SH2OUT (Interim) accreditation, and we hope to gain full accreditation when the lake opens in the new year.

In 2019 Dartford & White Oak Triathlon club, took the decision to gain SH2OUT accreditation.  SH2OUT is a partnership between British Triathlon and the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) created to assist in the delivery of safe, quality and credible Open Water Swimming events.

During 2019 the club worked closely with its designated SH2OUT technical adviser to ensure its existing operating and safety material met the SH2OUT standards and made changes where relevant. The work involved in this process was a team effort, that included the designated SH2OUT technical adviser, the club’s lake management team and the safety kayakers.   A significant by-product of performing this process helped to further emphasise the quality standards and crucial services that the club’s lake team uphold to make ‘the Bridge’ a fun and safe place to swim for all its members!

In gaining SH2OUT accreditation the club is actively promoting and supporting the ideals that the partnership represents and in doing so the club:

  • benefits as it becomes aligned with a recognised brand and in the form of website marketing for the club and lake;
  • operates accredited quality safety procedures, significantly reducing annual administration with the lake owners;
  • gains from new potential opportunities such as hosting an Open Water Swimathon, and
  • can publicize it operates a credible, safe and enjoyable open water swimming environment.

